3 Simple SEO Tips to Revive Your Pay Per Call Campaign

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a critical part of any effective Pay Per Call or digital marketing campaign. Brands take advantage of SEO to gain greater visibility in search engines, landing higher in the rankings to generate clicks and calls from consumers. If your Pay Per Call campaign has been underperforming recently, it may be time to look back at your SEO efforts to see what is and is not working. Should you identify SEO as the current weak link in your marketing efforts, you might find these three simple SEO tips helpful in reviving the fortunes of your Pay Per Call campaign.

Use Long-Tail Keywords

Generally speaking, keywords fall into one of two categories. First, there are short and concise keywords such as “plumbing,” “law firm,” or “locksmith.” These are extremely generic terms that will generates millions of results in search engines for consumers, often creating more confusion than presenting solutions. While these so-called short-tail keywords are important to include in your SEO, they shouldn’t be the focus.

Instead, focus on integrating high-quality long-tail keywords instead. These are the types of keywords consumers more frequently use when they are searching online. Long-tail keywords are more common among consumers, and more helpful to your Pay Per Call SEO efforts. There are two reasons why long-tail keywords are better:

  • They are used by consumers closer to a point-of-purchase in the decision-making process
  • Integrate easily with the rising popularity of voice search

Long-tail keywords help you connect your brand with a specific consumer need based upon more realistic search terms. For example, a consumer in need of a locksmith isn’t likely to simply type “locksmith” into a search engine. In reality, they’ll use a long-tail keyword such as “24-hour emergency locksmith” or “emergency locksmith in [city, state].” Integrating these keywords into your SEO can help generate greater visibility for your Pay Per Call campaign, resulting in more calls to the business.

Read More: 5 Major SEO Mistakes With Mobile Marketing

Focus on Intent, not Just Keyword Optimization

While keyword optimization using long-tail keywords is important, you should also be focusing on the consumer’s intent in a search and not just words. SEO keywords used to dominate search engine results based solely upon density of those keywords, but now the focus is more on the intent and behavior of consumers. A good Pay Per Call campaign is built on a content strategy that focuses on the intent of consumers while answering the questions they’re asking. If you want to improve your SEO for Pay Per Call, ask yourself these questions about your target audience:

  • What products or service do they currently use or have they used in the recent past?
  • What are the pain points of the consumer, and how can your product/service help?
  • What topics are consumers searching for?
  • What specific questions are they asking?

Answer these questions, and you’ll be able to revive your Pay Per Call fortunes by integrating better SEO content into your campaign. Rather than simply aiming for visibility, your content will show up to solve consumer issues.

Be Clear and Concise

Finally, the content associated with your Pay Per Call campaign should be clear and concise. As just mentioned above, your content needs to answer a question/solve a problem for the consumer. Your content should include the right long-tail keywords and present a valid topic that is valuable to the consumer. Your SEO efforts in creating content should be concise. Answer their questions without over elaborating. It should also be clear. Provide a call to action that pushes them to call your company after interacting with that content.

Read More:5 Super Simple SEO Tips

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