Exploring Basic Geo Targeting Tactics for Your Small Business

One of the most popular features of any good Pay Per Call campaign for small business is geo-targeting. At RingPartner, we regularly talk about the value and uses of geo-targeting in your general mobile advertising campaigns, and more specifically in Pay Per Call. In this post we’re going to cover the basic geo-targeting tactics your small business can use, and explain the difference between these concepts.

Geo-Aware Ads

When Google and other search engines make use of location data to provide consumers with real-time, relevant ad data that can influence their shopping behavior, that is just one example of geo-aware ads in action. In Pay Per Call, you can use geo-aware ads to catch the eye of consumers in your area and get them to call in with questions or ask for directions to your location. The ads appear based upon the real-time location of the user, so you are targeting consumers in the vicinity who are in the mood to buy, or shop at the least.


This tactic can be broken down into two approaches, and we’ll cover general geo-fencing first. This allows you to set a perimeter around a location and set your business ads to appear in that area. For example, if you operate a small landscaping business and prefer to stick close to your suppliers, you can control your ad displays so they only appear in an operational area you’re comfortable with.

Read More: What Is The Difference Between Geo-Conquesting & Geo-Fencing


It’s a New Year, and it’s time to expand your business. Pay Per Call can help you expand the reach and grow awareness of your brand with geo-conquesting. Similar to geo-fencing, you set a perimeter around a certain geographic area so your ads are displayed for consumers in that region. However, unlike geo-fencing, this perimeter is going to cover an area where you face tough competition or wish to break into a new neighborhood.

The approach is different, and your marketing tactics need to be different as well. Rather than simply advertising your name in a competitors region, you want to get your name out there in a geo-conquesting approach by offering discounts or special deals to attract new customers. While that small landscaping business in the geo-fencing example might offer same-day estimates to consumers in its current area, with geo-conquesting you’d want to offers a sweeter deal such as 20% discount on jobs over $1,000 to entice new customers.

Geo-targeting is just one of a number of powerful tools available for small businesses. While it’s not the only tool that can help you run a successful Pay Per Call campaign, it is an effective tool for targeting consumers based upon geographic factors to increase your current market share and make inroads in new areas.

Read More: 3 Tips on How to Target Your Audience

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