Pay Per Call is only continuing to grow in popularity — but what’s the best way to promote your campaigns? Here are some of the most effective strategies to generate calls.
Paid Search
Search engine marketing is one of the most basic and widely used promotional methods available. Almost all businesses engage in search promotions to one degree or another. Search engine marketing is the process of marketing and advertising a business website through search engines such as Google and Bing. With the majority of people using mobile phones for researching products/services, including a simple click to call extension is a great resource for your brand.
The goal of paid search is simple: drive traffic to a website. Search engine marketing picks up on search engine queries by keywords the publisher has picked out according to their keyword research. When the keywords are picked up, there are a few reserved spaces for paid ads. Within these spaces, ads that have “won” the bid will be shown in these reserved spaces. With each search query, a different ad may be shown according to who won that round of bidding.
Read More: Google Ads Tips for Pay Per Call
Lead Forms
Online lead forms are soon becoming the new wave of Pay Per Call marketing tactics. They can be used to gate content, request information, or gain access to a page. Lead forms give customers the option of reaching out to a brand with questions on products, services, appointments, and other general information without picking up a phone. Lead forms often include a consumer’s name and contact information, as well as a text box where consumers can leave basic messages informing a brand of the intent behind filling out the form.
Read More: How to Optimize Lead Forms
One of the longstanding promotional methods used by digital marketers is SEO, or search engine optimization. SEO is a process in which client sites are designed with greater visibility in search engines in mind. Organic search position ranking is largely based upon the technical structure of a site and an ongoing content development strategy. In the end, SEO is meant to generate traffic from people searching for specific products/services offered by brands. It’s a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than millions of other sites in the search engines. Rather than paying for the clicks, people have optimized their landing pages, blogs, and websites to pick up on keywords in Search Engines.
Read More: SEO Essentials
Display Ads
Display ads are the boxes of promotional content that appear on websites with information that is clearly advertising a product/service. They can be found along the top of a web page as a traditional banner ad, feature as a larger text billboard, or even consist of video content that plays within a box on the page. These types of promotional displays appear in distinct sections of a page and are reserved specifically for paid advertising meant to generate quick conversions. Display ads tend to me much more appealing compared to search ads. They typically include headlines, text, URL, and some sort of graphic/video/ or audio element making them catch your audience’s eye. Paid display can even be re-targeted to appear on the screens of people who have visited your website before, keeping you top of mind for potential customers.
Social Media
Social media marketing is the ideal format through which clients can build and nurture a specific consumer audience. The type of content shared on social media is unique in that it plays into both the individual needs of a target individual or group. Whether you put money into promotions or not, the overarching goal is to gain greater brand visibility, improve and manage brand reputation, and generate inbound traffic. By using social media you can share your insight, gain a following, and generate calls based on trust.
Read More: How to Upgrade Your Social Media Ads
The internet is a staple of the modern world, but there are still individuals out there who do not use the internet during every waking moment of the day. In fact, some 70 million Americans cannot be reached effectively through online marketing alone. A strong digital marketing campaign actually includes ties to offline promotional efforts as well. Offline marketing efforts such as radio spots, print ads, billboards, and pamphlets can all be used to convince consumers to call for the products and services they need most.