There is nothing more frustrating in this world than being told to use a great product or service and not being told how, or why, you should do so. Everyone has been in this position before with a friend or family member. They find some life altering product and tell you that you absolutely must try it, but they don’t really tell you why. In some cases, when relevant, they don’t tell you how you should use it for best results.
The same could be said of Pay Per Call marketing. This marketing and ad tool is touted by publishers and distribution partners on a daily basis in the 21st century, but do any of them really tell you how you should be using it? You know what Pay Per Call marketing is, but knowing what something is and knowing how to use it effectively are two different concepts. So, how should you be using Pay Per Call marketing?
Do Not Narrow the Focus of Pay Per Call Campaigns
One mistake that advertisers and publishers alike make is focusing too heavily on mobile search leads. An increasing percentage of Internet traffic is coming from consumers using mobile devices, and it makes sense to take advantage of that traffic. However, it would be folly to shift all advertising focus to mobile lead generation.
The best approach with Pay Per Call marketing is to use a multi-action, multi-channel approach to create an effective Pay Per Call campaign. A multi-faceted approach gives the consumer the power to connect with an advertiser on their own timetable. They can call in immediately or fill out a lead form that gives advertisers the initiative to make contact.
Read More: How to Find Your Niche Pay Per Call Campaign
Make Adjustments across Various Platforms
With the rapid adoption of mobile advertising, many publishers are making a critical mistake in trying to monetize their site traffic across various devices (PC, laptops, smartphones, and tablets). Pay Per Call marketing campaigns cannot simply be shrunk from the desktop Web to mobile Web and work. The creative ads won’t convert directly to mobile versions, frustrating advertisers and failing to monetize site traffic for the publisher.
Additionally, mobile Pay Per Call campaigns are all about capitalizing on urgency in the consumer. Sitting at a computer in their home, a consumer conducting online searches is often conducting research more than trying to find an immediate solution. Mobile searches, in many cases, are all about urgency. Consumers may be stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire, find themselves locked out of their home, or in need of emergency medical services. It is important to recognize that difference between Pay Per Call campaigns.
Read More: Preparing for Your First Per Per Call Campaign
Stick to the Media Channels that Work
The jury is still out when it comes to determining whether one media channel truly yields better calls and customers than others. Pay Per Call campaigns can be run in both online and offline media channels, meaning that success in Pay Per Call marketing is about honing in on the right demographic of consumers.
The right media channel for any given business is the one that works best for both publisher and advertiser. For any given company, the best media channel for Pay Per Call marketing is going to be the one that the business knows best and has experience in already.
Read More: The Pay Per Call Basics Every Marketer Should Know