Homeowners frequently hire landscaping and home service companies to mow their lawns, trim their hedges, clean out gutters, and plow driveways in the winter. The vast majority of outdoor home service companies are small business, some run by as few as 10 people. Led by a single entrepreneur, these companies purchase their own equipment, supplies, and tirelessly walk the beat to build up a consumer base.
Believe it or not, Pay Per Call marketing campaigns can aid these companies in identifying and building a customer base that can be relied upon for revenue on a year-round basis. However, Pay Per Call campaigns for home service companies often differ from those used by other small and local businesses.
Old-School Pay Per Call
The concept of Pay Per Call marketing developed from infomercials and direct mailers. Today’s home service companies (lawn mowing services, snow plows, gutter cleaners, etc.) still rely upon direct mailings, flyers, and even vehicle advertisements to spread the word about their service. We’ve all come home to find a flyer in our front door for a tree trimming service or lawn mowing company. These flyers are often the most effective Pay Per Call tools for these companies.
However, direct mailers with coupons for new customers and advertisements on company vehicles persuade consumers to call to learn more details about the company’s service, and even learn about deals for new customers. For these companies, the success of Pay Per Call is all about the proper utilization of old-school verticals in advertising.
Read More: How to Decide If Pay Per Call Marketing Can Work For You
Targeted Areas
Outdoor home service companies can maximize profits and generate more revenue using the targeting features of Pay Per Call. These companies cannot afford to cover large suburban areas effectively without overspending on fuel for vehicles and lost time between jobs. The industry is all about getting one job finished properly and moving on to the next one. Direct mailers and flyers make it easy for these companies to focus their marketing efforts (and dollars) in service areas they are familiar with.
Additionally, it helps them build on the consumer base and create repeat customers. In this industry, many companies transition from lawn services in the spring and summer to snow plow services in the winter. By rolling out different advertising campaigns in target-rich areas as the seasons change, these small businesses increase their consumer base and generate more revenue. With detailed information about current customers using one service, companies can transition lawn service customers into snow plow customers when the seasons change.
Publishers can help these small business capitalize on their limited marketing dollars by establishing Pay Per Call campaigns that effectively advertise the company’s services, build a stronger customer base, and increase revenue.
Read More: How to Engage Your Target Audience with Mobile Marketing