If you don’t think web design has much of an impact on your online and mobile marketing schemes, it’s time to rethink that position. It is not uncommon for one individual to browse the web from their desktop at the office, mobile phone on the bus ride home, and a tablet while relaxing on the couch before bed. Responsive web design has moved beyond fad status to become an established fact of life, and not just for web designers. Responsive web design creates a unique view for each visitor based upon the device used to access your site.
The manner in which content is displayed on your business website has a tremendous impact on your marketing efforts. In the following three points, you’ll learn how responsive web design can aid your online marketing efforts when used correctly.
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Like a sturdy house, your website needs a good foundation. When it comes to a website, the right foundation means providing the right information in the exact places your customers need to see it. The mobile shift has forced a minimalist design framework on web designers, and online marketers need to adjust as well.
Modern web design needs to include simple formats and well-organized information. These factors are key in making sure your pages adapt well to smaller screens on smartphones and tablets. Don’t forget to adjust your content and images based upon natural breakpoints on screens. Think of it like a newspaper. The best ads, and often most viewed, are those above the fold. Visitors on mobile devices don’t want to be zooming and scrolling all day.
Read More: 4 Big Tips for Digital Marketing Success
Speaking of images, use only those images that scale easily and are fluid enough to fit a variety of screen sizes. You won’t get your message across if the image you’re using is pixelated or has the bottom third cut off. The key is to find pictures and other media content that is high quality, but easy to load. Roughly 40% of users abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds to load.
Just as visitors won’t waste time waiting for a page with large images to load on mobile devices, they don’t want to spend their day scrolling through endless lines of tiny text. Although web design is critical to grabbing your visitor’s attention, content is still king. Content remains the best tool for educating and motivating consumers to make a purchase.
When you are creating content as part of your responsive design strategy, you need to prioritize information. Your content needs to be hyper focused on the needs of your customers. Focus on providing actionable information to your customers without droning on and on about the benefits. Use bullet points and wrap it up with a strong CTA.
Check out: Why Your Pay Per Call CTA isn’t Converting