There’s no shortage of proof that the smartphone has changed not just the lifestyle and consuming habits of American shoppers, but those of consumers around the globe.
With literally billions of people out there for your business to connect to, what actionable mobile marketing tips should you know from this point forward in 2016?
Improve Mobile Marketing Automation
Customer engagement and individual experience matter in today’s world. Your customers expect better experiences and a more intimate engagement, which means using mobile marketing automation through in-app marketing to connect with the right consumer, in the right way, at the right time.
Read More: Why Mobile Marketing Works
Paid isn’t Always Better
Marketers tend to assume that mobile apps that require payment to download generate better consumers for the brand. Optimizing organic installs instead of focusing on paid apps generates more quality consumers in your target base, improves loyalty, boosts word of mouth, and helps keep your own costs down as well.
Multi-Touch Attribution
We often discuss multi-channel attribution in our Pay Per Call posts, and the concept of multiple channels is equally relevant to the mobile marketing conversation. In most cases, consumers download an app from a business based upon the influence of many different ads and multiple clicks as they surf the web. Research suggests the average is as high as five or seven different views or clicks.
Understanding where your consumers are coming from, what they’ve seen online, and what they’ve interacted with are critical in optimizing your conversion rates and gaining greater clarity on customer behavior. If you can map your consumer’s journey from start to finish, you can better tailor the experience that guides them to your brand.